Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of the third arc of the spin-off series based from the award winning series from Boom! Studios: “Something Is Killing The Children.” Since its’ debut, House Of Slaughter has provided fantastic reads in short arcs involving characters based in the Order of St. George universe. The latest tale featured a character who made waves in the inaugural start of the series: “The Butcher” Jace Boucher. Now featured in his own solo story, things have drastically changed since we last saw the Butcher. His current life as guardian over some orphans has been impacted by ghosts from his past returning. When one he’s watching over goes missing, Jace’s worst nightmares appear to becoming real.

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) brings a finale to the current story run.

Before we get started, some of the imagery might be too intense for younger readers. Reading discression is advised. That said, Let’s see how the fate of the Butcher plays out, shall we?

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023


Before this story began, readers witnessed the tragic love story involving Jace and Aaron Slaughter. In its’ wake, Jace has become protector to a group of orphans waiting for Aaron to come back to him. Unfortunately, that day will not come as Aaron was killed after returning to the Order to protect Jace. Without this knowledge, Jace is trying to start life post St. George and adjusting to losing a hand. During this time, a young orphan named Sunny has taken upon himself to try and follow in Jace’s footsteps.

His endeavors brought him into contact with someone who Jace never thought he would see again: Jolie Boucher. Jolie has welcomed Sunny into the lifestyle and her family with open arms. Once Jace becomes aware of who is influencing Sunny, he makes a desperate attempt to save the boy from the fate he knows comes with this lifestyle. This leads to a confrontation between Jace and Jolie, who have some unsettled business from when they last saw each other. The conversation starts friendly but true motives are shown as Jolie winds up capturing Jace, settling some payback for “leaving her” to die in a fire many years prior. All the while, Sunny faced his first monster to become a member of Jolie’s hunting family, losing his eye in the process.

This issue opens up with a flashback to where Jace first found Sunny. Readers remember this school bus as it was the setting shown at the beginning of this arc. Readers have nothing held back as the emotional impact is felt from the scene. It leads to present day where Jace is tied up in a meat locker. Vionette and Cassius Boucher are watching over and taunting Jace. It is during this moment that Jace finds out news that the readers have been dreading he would. It is upon this revelation that Jace has a vision that proves to be the park for something else entirely. Jolie’s actions have woken up …. The Butcher.

Will Jace save Sunny in time? And what of the other orphans who make an attempt to help? Readers get this answers along with seeing first hand what Jace is capable of. It leads to a final confrontation that no one is expecting things to play out as they do. It is a fitting end to a story that has pushed its’ protagonists to their threshold before they can’t hold back who they truly are.

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023

BREAKDOWN: Brombal sends the Butcher out with a very solid conclusion. The entire arc has been about redefining who he is post-hunting. Jace’s life seems to be at peace until Sunny tries taking his “hero worship” too far. Brombal sets up Jace to be a complex character, wrestling with the demons of his past. The back-story with Jolie fits perfectly as someone who mirrors what Sunny is doing now in their young age. The showdown doesn’t falter as readers see first hand what Jace can do when fully unleashed. Seeing the face-of with Jolie plays right into the boiling point of this story. Once it commences, it delivers on what fans are expecting…until the conclusion. Brombal shifts gears and throws in some twists that some may not be ready for. It caps off what readers should expect from this universe and know it brings the drama and tension every time.

Fuso and Muerto paint a vivid picture of how dangerous Jace can be. Seeing him angry and unhinged is an intense visual for the reader. These panels do not shy away from what he can do and leaves readers knowing exactly why he has the nickname that he does. They set it up nicely with Jace taking cover in a tree, ready to strike at a given notice. The art really elevates the final stand-off between Jace and Jolie to another level. Readers can sense the feeling involved with this confrontation. Fuso and Muerto also present the shocking moments near the final act with well-timed reactions to the events transpiring. It all ties together with the final visuals bringing a close to this chapter and having fans discuss what happens now with what they have just witnessed.

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023

House of Slaughter #15 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) Cover: Danny Luckert

Credit: Boom! Studios - On Sale May 17th, 2023


The conclusion of “The Butcher’s return” is a complete send-off for Jace Boucher and his life post Aaron Slaughter. Brombal, Fuso, Muerto and the team create a finale filled with solid writing and strong art that leave no question to the readers about why Jace has the nickname of “The Butcher.” You’ll want to keep an eye out for this issue and series at the local comic book shop this week.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #15. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are riding shotgun along the horror on the highway as Image Comics’ latest hit keeps rolling along! PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands furthers the mystery behind the supernatural sci-fi road Dom and Birdie now travel on. Let’s take a deeper dive on the latest chapter, shall we?

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023


Fate has taken a truck driver named Dom and a crash survivor named Birdie & made them an unlikely duo connected to a mysterious object. This object appears to have crossed them into a mirrored dimension with faceless figures trying to acquire what they possess. Last issue sent the pair to a truck stop with a mysterious figure being very cryptic about what the truth is. The truck stop itself seemed suspicious as well, with the pair leaving and appearing to be back to their rightful time. However, things have changed with the pair being in pain when separated form the object and a killed faceless being turning into a human form. Now law enforcement are closing in to investigate, Dom and Birdie are searching for answers and dodging the law.

This issue opens up with FBI agent Theresa Weaver arriving on the scene. She immediately takes over the case from the local officers, who appear to be in way over their heads. Weaver takes some pictures of the scene and breaks down the victim’s remains. Leaving the scene, Weaver is in contact with her supervisor going over notes. Readers clearly see that the FBI knows more about what is going on than they’re letting on. At her hotel room, she is visited by Deputy Dunn, who informs her of the initial accident involving Birdie.

Once at the scene, Weaver starts adding things up. Readers start getting more pieces of the puzzle revealed as Weaver furthers her investigation. The final act shows Weaver’s connection to the case might not be as cut and dry as is let on. That said, no one is expecting what unfolds in the closing moments. The mystery surrounding the object has just begun.

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

BREAKDOWN: Lemire takes the lead characters out for this issue and devotes the time to establishing Agent Weaver to the audience. Weaver comes across as a no-nonsense agent but as things move on, Lemire sets up the slow reveal attaching her to what is going on with Dom and Birdie. The overall story had some clues revealed but still has fans guessing at what the true nature of things are. Pacing was fine as the “day in the life” model for Weaver worked to connect her to the readers. The closing sequence was a solid surprise and throws more mystery onto an already growing tale.

Walta and Bellaire keep the gritty and dark feel of the story going even without Dom or Birdie involved. The mannerisms of Agent Weaver play into her familiarity with the case at hand without tipping off too much. The interactions with the locals establish this quickly carrying through to the panels with Deputy Dunn. The closing sequence gave this issue a kick of excitement with a strong simple panel to put a closing on the transpiring events.

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023


Lemire, Walta and the team put the spotlight on a character adding a new element to an already combustible situation. Solid storytelling and artwork keep things rolling as the highway to horror shifts gears into a new lane for readers to follow.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #3. Thanks for reading


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re at the conclusion of the second arc of arguably the coolest book at the comic shops. Since its’ debut, this book from BOOM! STUDIOS has been a staple on readers’ pull lists and with good reason. The story of Jessica Harrow has a whole energy and vibe unlike anything else you are picking up. The series is taking a small break until July so it is a perfect time to catch up if need be, but luckily we have one more issue to discuss until then. Grim #10 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano sends the ever-evolving mystery into its’ semi-hiatus with an issue we need to discuss. let’s not wait any longer and get into a closer look, shall we?

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios


On a routine job being a reaper in the after-life, Jessica Harrow had no idea what was going to spiral out of control following her accidentally crossing over into the land of the living chasing a runaway soul. Her aunt Adira had put plans in motion to keep Jessica at bay from finding out what caused such an event. A being known as The End came looking for her to set everything into perfect balance. With the help of her fellow reapers Eddie and Marcel, Jessica set out for answers. What she found along the way was the revelation that her father was DEATH! The happy reunion was interrupted by The End and the fight ensuing led to Death’s demise. It also led to Adira banishing Jessica and her friends to the living world, executing her plans to the letter.

While stranded in Las Vegas, it is discovered that people can no longer die and bear a mysterious red marking on their foreheads. Jessica appears to be the cause of this. While diving into the reasons for this, Jessica crosses paths with the the Sisters of Fate. The Sisters have a plan to fix this but Jessica is not on board. Meanwhile Marcel and Eddie find out via Anabell (another reaper) that Adira has sent all the reapers to hunt down Jessica and bring her back. During this talk, they confront what appears to be a devil who attacks Marcel for previous actions in his living years, resulting in sending him to Hell. All the while, her human mother Lilah breaks out of jail and has a party with vested interest into a amulet in her possession.

This issue picks up with Jessica trying to fin a way to help Marcel after the Devil they faced kicks them out of his realm. Eddie is visibly emotional and blaming Jessica for not caring. trying to wrap her head around what just happened, Jessica is comforted by Anabell about what to do next. Anabell attempts to instill some confidence in Jessica. She comes up with an idea to solve all their woes: Jessica needs to take back her father’s scythe. The only problem with that is it is in Adira’s possession.

Speaking of problems, Lilah meets with the mysterious figure who wants the necklace she is carrying. Readers see a new player make a big impact from the unveiling of their identity. Switching gears back to Jessica, the pep talk finally seeps in and she’s ready to go. With the plan in place, Jessica, Eddie and Anabell make an attempt to steal the scythe back. Readers see how this plays out and need to brace for some big moments. It’ a perfect build to get to the closing act. These all lead towards a final page that will send readers home amped up and counting down the days till issue #11.

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Phillips sends things off (for now) with an excellent issue. Jessica’s new stat quo has been one she’s been denying this entire arc. Granted, it is a lot to take in with secrets begin revealed but Jessica finally has the moment where she has no other choice but to go for it. Phillips sets this up perfectly using Marcel’s fate as the deciding factor. The conversation with Anabell works superbly as readers see Jessica face those doubts head on. It comes across as a supportive talk and readers will see Jessica find ready to face what lies ahead. The payoff is big once the final act starts and is amplified even more with the closing image. Lilah’s story is slowly coming together, but the introduction of the new figure looks to create a bigger impact on Jessica’s life in the next arc. Their conversation might have been brief in comparison, but the situation Lilah is in now looks to be another challenge thrown in Jessica’s way down the road. Excellent final scenario to leave readers on until the next chapter begins.

This might sound like a broken record at this stage, but how amazing is Flaviano and Renzi’s art? Going for a four wide panel page blueprint, the art drives home how Jessica is impacted by the loss of Marcel and what Fate is lining her up to do. The panel structure also gives the conversation between Jesscia and Anabell a more personal feel as the reader is sitting in on the frank talk about what needs to happen. Jessica’s range of emotions stretch from anxious to scared to this sequence but ultimately end in confident once she accepts what she needs to do. The introduction of the new character also needs to be highlighted. It is a flashy one page panel but instantly connects to the readers that they are something we haven’t seen in this series yet. The debut is bold and charismatic thanks to the coloring of the sequence. Once the story swings back into the final moments, Flaviano’s set-up for the new landscape is eye catching with a near full page panel of their location. It adds to the closing images and where the story heads with the mic drop moment to wrap up on.

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #10 - On sale April 26th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom! Studios

FINAL POINT: Grim by Phillips, Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano has taken readers on quite the journey following the mystery of Jessica Harrow. With this second arc concluding at issue #10, Jessica’s denial of her destiny is answered when forced to address it. Strong writing and amazing art sets comics’ favorite reaper on her inevitable course with a finale that is sure to keep fans amped up for the eventual return.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #10. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest new series from the mastermind behind the mega hit series “Something Is Killing The Children.” Considering who else is along for the horror tale being told, it completely justifies the hype surrounding this book. W0RLDTR33 #1 by JAMES TYNION IV, FERNANDO BLANCO, JORDIE BELLAIRE and ADITYA BIDIKAR from Image Comics embarks a journey into the darkest portion of the internet known as the Undernet and the results are terrifying.

Before we get started with the review, this book has some extreme violent imagery and themes throughout that might be upsetting to some. Reader discretion is strongly advised before jumping into this issue.

That said, if you’re still in for the review, let’s see what all the hype is about, shall we?

W0RLDTR33 #1 


Credit: Image Comics


An ominous quote welcomes readers to this series: “ Let me Tell You How Much I’ve Come To Hate You Since I Began To Live” - Harlen Ellison “I Have No Mouth and I need To scream (2024).”

A naked woman opens her laptop after committing a murder in what appears to be a hotel room. Signing in with the username of “PH34R” , She accesses the Undernet. With images of violent acts appear all across the screen, she focuses in on one with almost 30,000 views! Readers watch in horror as a young man knocks on a random house and flashes his cell phone in front of an unsuspecting victim, making them disoriented before slitting the gentleman’s throat. The killer is talking to the watching audience and going through his process of murder. The killer does the same thing to the woman in the kitchen of the house before going into the bathroom. The killer is a fifteen year old named Gibson Lane with a camera strapped to his head. On his stream, he brags about killing forty people, much to the delight of “PH34R” watching.

From here, the story shifts to a man named Ellison and his girlfriends Fausta driving by a mountain side en route to Pittsburgh. Ellison is talking about how he found his brother talking about what he saw on the dark web and it was some truly disturbing images. Fausta tries calming his nerves but with little success. While driving, she searches his brother’s social media to calm his nerves more but sees something that chills her to the bone instead. They pull the car over and see that Ellison’s fears were correct that something was terribly wrong.

The story shifts to a man named Gabriel watching on the news about Gibson’s killing spree (now at sixty plus). He stares into a picture on the wall, which triggers a flashback. During this moment, readers see a young Gabriel along with other teenagers trying to stop something from leaving the computer servers they are on. The stakes feel huge for, as one person points out, “we’re just kids”.

The story shifts back to the present as Gabriel calls Liam (presumed to be the boy with the “kids” quote from the flashback. The conversation is uncomfortable, but the message is clear: the undernet has to be stopped from spreading. Gabriel mentions a possible solution is back active: a message board known as W0rldtr33. Gabriel summons Liam and the others from the flashback to meet in Pittsburgh to take this challenge head on.

At this stage, Ellison arrives at the police station to see his brother. However, he’s not alone in arriving at the station. Who else appears wanting to see Gibson? Readers see a final act that no one can predict which way it goes. The final image caps off a brutal and violently horrific saga that has just only begun.

BREAKDOWN: Tynion wastes no time in setting things in motions with this story. Each major player (thus far) gets their fair share of panel time to start their stories but all pale in comparison to the heinous actions of Gibson. Tynion writes him as a delusional psychopath throughout his murder spree. Ellison comes across as a caring brother, lost at what to do with the situation at hand (and rightfully so). “PH34R” and Gabriel have only begun to make an impact but, at first read, they have a destined collision course waiting in the wings. The story itself is extremely upsetting as the Undernet has only shown a fraction of what its capable of. It is pure horror at a terrifying high level. As with most of his writing, no one is better at the slow burn build than Tynion. With only one issue down, readers sense the terror behind what is about to come and will be locked in for the long haul to see where this story is heading.

Blanco and Bellaire spare no expense in visualizing the insanity unfolding within these pages. The murder spree is horrific and unapologetic. The set-up of 12 or 9 panel pages gave those disturbing moments a more direct impact when reading. Gibson looking in the bathroom mirror after killing the couple was a blunt depiction into his madness. His mannerisms will be unsettling to some readers. It’s matched on impacting the readers with Fausta’s reaction to finding his social media videos. Once her tears start, readers will connect with her reaction to what she just saw. “PH34R” stands out (not because she is nude the majority of time) from her slight grin seeing the lunacy transpire. The final act caps off the brutal tale perfectly with a final parting image showing the fallout response to what has just unraveled before he audience.

FINAL POINT: The darkest secret of the internet steps into the spotlight in the pages of Image Comic’s latest series. Tynion, Blanco and the team present an absolutely frightening tale of horror in disturbing fashion. Solid storytelling equaled out with alarming imagery gives this story a distinct feel as it progresses to the next chapter. Makes sure to keep an eye out for this on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of W0rldTr33 #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest from a team that has been tearing it up on the independent scene for quite some time now. Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz have been on quite to hot streak with their Kickstarter projects via Top Hat Studios. Their current one, Grandma Chainsaw #2 hit goal first day and has created quite the buzz for itself. The campaign ends April 28th and if you haven’t signed up yet, check out this review of the latest chapter of the book that put them on the comic map: Pocus Hocus! Let’s discuss, shall we?

Note: It is a horror comic and some imagery might be too intense for younger readers. Viewing discretion is advised.

Pocus Hocus #5

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Source Point Press

Pocus Hocus #5

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Source Point Press


In case you are not familiar, Pocus Hocus centers around a man who sells his soul to a demon to become the world’s greatest magician. Pocus’s reasons for doing this? He wants impress his father and get his paternal approval. Unfortunately for him, Pocus’s father passes away before seeing him display his powers. Years later, the demon reappeared looking for Pocus to help him get out of a mess. Failure to do so meant both the demon and Pocus would die. Luckily, there’s one person in Pocus’s life that might be able to save him: his assistant Emily. Together, they embark on a journey into Hell where more secrets are uncovered and Pocus’ life as he knows it has changed forever.

This issue kicks off with Pocus, Hugo the Demon, HORUS the rabbit (FTW!) and Emily being invited into the realm controlled by Queen Lilith. Persius walks in to break the news that the group is here, but Lilith knows this already since she invited them in. Persius is killed instantly for questioning the queen. Lilith allows Victoria to take out “team Pocus” with the exception of Emily, who she has big plans for.

Meanwhile, Pocus is drowning his sorrows in front of a small crowd. After making “friends” with the patrons, Pocus senses everything isn’t alright. There are voices lurking which tip him off. While trying to leave, it is revealed there is a trap set to kill him. The bartender transforms into a huge spider like creature. Pocus makes a run for the door and is greeted by his fellow travelers. With a united front led by HORUS, Pocus and the team handle the monster. However, there’s no time to celebrate as a mysterious figure by the name of Samuel S. Ramsuel arrives on the scene.

What is his intent? Why does he have a vested interest in Pocus’s journey? More importantly, what is the history between him and HORUS?! Readers jump along for the ride as Pocus faces a grave challenge that he might not be fully capable of handling. The final page drops a huge exclamation point on the latest chapter that will have fans looking for when the next Kickstarter campaign begins!

Pocus Hocus #5

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Source Point Press

Pocus Hocus #5

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Source Point Press

BREAKDOWN: Radford and Dunford keep readers guessing with a touch more serious issue that they have seen previously. The spotlight on Lilith gives this chapter a different feel as she teases at her master plan for Pocus and co. without having a great deal of panel time featured. That said, there’s no shortage of the classic humor that has made this series stand out. The initial encounter with the spider creature plays out with Pocus’ obliviousness to what is happening with quips sprinkled throughout. Even when the creature gets ready to strike, Emily counters with a monologue only to be countered with a bored Spider asking for things to get going again. Another standout moment is when Ramseul makes his debut. The conversation is light hearted with solid laugh out loud moments are mixed in. Horus’s reputation was already legendary but hearing Ramseul talk about it raised its’ stock. Form here, the story shifts back into a more serious-esque tone, ramping up on the drama before closing strong with a big final page.

Balondo welcomes readers into this corner of darkness with some wild imagery. The creatures featured in this series jump out from the moment they hit a panel. The spider debut was strong in its’ initial debut only to be complemented by a full panel showcase. Excellent two-page spread to show the “team” in action. The mannerisms of the team when first talking with Ramseul are a noteworthy moment. The way Balondo sets up the back and forth with Horus, Hugo and Ramseul gives a much needed detour from the more direct tone of the book. The action sequences play off well in the final chapter to ramp up what is unfolding. Superb final page to finalize events while building up anticipation for the next issue.

Pocus Hocus #5

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balondo, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Source Point Press

FINAL POINT: The next phase of the world’s favorite soul selling magician sets course with another excellent read. Dunford, Radford, Balondo, Smith, & Lentz mix up the light hearted dialogue with a more direct theme with the writing & outstanding art. The series sets a new course and readers will be excited to get this in their hands (along with Grandma Chainsaw #2). Make sure you don’t miss both!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Pocus Hocus #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the slow burn build centering round a popular character in the Something Is Killing The Children universe from Boom! Studios. HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) features Jace Boucher aka The Butcher as he struggles dealing with his past catching up to him while waiting for a love to return that never will. Considering how things went last issue, Jace is in a race against time to save someone before it’s too late. Let’s take a deeper dive on what’ happening here, shall we?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Jace Boucher has been trying to start life over after having a “falling out” with the Order of St. George. The result costed him his hand and his lover Aaron Slaughter was killed but Jace has no knowledge of this. All he has been doing is being a guardian to orphans waiting for Aaron to come back.

During this time, an orphan named Sunny has become persistent in following in Jace’s hunting footsteps. This resulted him in coming into contact with Jolie Boucher and her family, who have taken him in trying to induct him into their order. Jolie and Jace have a noted history with things not ending well years ago. Jace knows the danger surrounding Sunny and makes a return back to New Orleans in an attempt to save him from the danger Jolie is welcoming him into to. The prime example o this is Sunny is locked in a room with a monster to see if he can become a hunter or not.

This issue opens up with Jace entering the Messiah Bar, in hopes of finding Jolie. The place is packed with party-goers and at the end of the bar is Jolie. Jace approaches her and the reunion is surprisingly very happy. Over a few drinks, they start a conversation which leads to Jace asking about Sunny. Jolie counters with bringing up when they first met. It leads to talk of Aaron Slaughter which Jolie realizes Jace doesn’t know the truth.

The pair gets moved to a private room where readers get the truth about what went down between Jolie and Jace. It gives some much needed clarity to why Jolie has such an axe to grind with Jace. The tension builds to a breaking point as Jolie keeps dodging the questions about Sunny until a moment happens that changes everything. Can Jace handle what transpires? What about the fate of Sunny? Readers see how things are not what they seem as Jace’s noble plans has a new challenge thrown in his direction steering the story into a new avenue.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: The dynamic between Jolie and Jace has always been one centered in mystery but Brombal centers this issue around that plot point. Readers get many details on their history and clarity on why Jolie has used Sunny as a means to attack Jace. The conversation comes across as one between old friends before turning into an emotional standoff, bringing back many buried feelings between them both. Even with only two characters involved for the majority of the issue, Brombal keeps things moving without stalling the pace to hang on o stay in neutral gear. The ending is a solid surprise which sets up the major players involved for a collision course that readers can expect a big payoff for.

Fuso creates a unique setting for the conversation this issue. The conversation reflects a casual talk between two old friends. Jolie’s mannerisms doesn’t tip off too much to worry Jace. She comes across excited for her friend and even concerned when she realizes Jace doesn’t know the truth about Aaron. The panels featuring Sunny stands out with the coloring used for these panels. It helps connect with readers what danger he’s going thru while Jolie is calm and relaxed with all of this. The big change in the story is easily felt with the full page shot of the surprise. It all ties together to feature Jace’s struggle to save Sunny even though it appears it’s more and more a losing battle.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #14 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Readers see the history of Jolie and Jace unfold right before their eyes within the pages of House of Slaughter #14. Brombal, Fuso and the team present the personal talk between the two leads with an ever-changing conversation that sets things up for a huge closing looming in the wings. Keep an eye out for this issue on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #14. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the latest hit series from BOOM! Studios hits the midway point and horror fans haven’t been able to stop raving about it! HARROWER by Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau takes the classic elements of slasher films and amplifies them to connect with a whole new audience. Considering how things were left last issue, who knows what to expect now?

Before we start the review, the images featured reflect the horror story going on and some pictures might be too intense for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. That said and if still good to go, let’s take a closer look at the latest chapter, shall we?

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Barlowe, New York seems like a quite town at first glance, but there is definitely more than meets the eye happening here. After the town sheriff is killed, a mark is found in his home. The mark is the “sinner’s mark”, which summons the Harrower, an avenger that “keeps Barlowe pure.” Jessa and her friends think of the Harrower as a myth and give the warning from their teacher little weight. On the way to a house party, some of Jessa’s friends find out first hand that the Harrower is no myth!

Even at the party, there is an eerie mood hovering around them. There is no cell phone service and the land line is dead. Shortly after, the power goes out completely to the house. What follows next is pure mayhem as the Harrower makes his move. Things become dire until help arrives in Carter Creed, the outsider at school who’s sister died in the same car accident as Jessa’s brother and the sheriff’s son. Carter has had an inkling of something coming ever since finding his dad killed in issue #1.

This issue wastes no time hitting the ground running (literally) as Carter drives the police car directly into the Harrower! Knowing that won’t stop it, Carter starts firing a shotgun directly at the wounded evil. Jessa is ordered back inside the house with whose left until Reed pushes his way in. Knowing what we do about him, readers will be waiting to see what he does to impact the current event. Carter takes the fight directly to the Harrower to buy time. In the process, he destroys part of its’ mask, vowing not to follow in its’ footsteps.

Meanwhile, Jessa and the survivors are assessing options. With the house burning down around them and dead bodies everywhere, options for survival are slim. Carter kicks in the door badly injured and orders everyone to the basement. What secrets lurk underneath the house? Readers get many big reveals as the truth behind the unstoppable killer start coming to light. Secrets are unveiled that shatter the status quo of everything Jessa knew. Can she survive the night with all she knows now? Trust me when I say no one will be expecting what happens when the final panels appear.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Jordan doesn’t shy away from the huge reveals throughout this issue. Before we get into those (as much as we can without spoiling…they’re THAT good), the issue immediately captures the unstoppable evil verse the ordinary hero theme played out in many horror films. It’s a great way to start events rolling as seeing Carter’s valiant attempts to stop the killer elevate not only his own character but why the Harrower is such a danger. The moment with the broken mask feels as it will come into play later but deepens the lore of the Harrower. Momentum swings back to Jessa after the decent into the basement as so many reveals hit to flesh out the mystery while creating new ones. Jordan paces them out well giving enough time to let the information hit before moving onto the next one, leading into the big bombshell at the issue’s end. There is a great deal to process after reading this issue but it’s very well done that readers will want to do an immediate re-read.

Revel pulls no punches with the brutality of Carter’s standoff with the Harrower. The fight is bloody, intense and leaves nothing off limits. It is literally everything you want from the good vs. evil battle seen in every great horror story. As Jessa and company walk through the carnage of the house party, the panels exemplify the danger they’re running from. Even when the reveals start in the basement, the emotions read across each character’s face plays right into the fear of what’s coming and the shock of what’s been now realized. Jessa’s world has been turned upside down and it’s mirrored in these panels. The final page will have fans talking as that reveal hits readers with a huge exclamation point to close this chapter out on.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale April 19th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The frightening world of Barlowe, New York delivers a fantastic issue with sharp writing by Jordan mixed with excellent art from Revel. The mystery behind the Harrower starts to become clear with more questions than answers. The issue balances an intense opening with huge payoffs as the book progresses that readers won’t be ready for what transpires on the final page. Do not miss this book and series on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Harrower #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series hitting the local comic shops from BOOM! Studios that has a very unique concept to it. The Seasons Have Teeth #1 by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos takes readers along for a journey into one man’s quest for atonement. Let’s take a closer look and see how seasons change from a defeated perspective, shall we?

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The story opens up with a man named Andrew Bates looking out his window. His next door neighbors are gearing up for a trip. The phone rings from a caller named Paul. The conversation centers around Andrew travelling to Shrewsbury after evading something at his last stop. Paul pleads to Andrew to start taking pictures again after losing his wife Cindy. Andrew downplays the plead as he stars out the window, seeing a vine work its way up to a birdhouse. This sets Andrew off on his latest travels outside his home.

Walking thru the streets, the vines are spreading through the quiet town. Andrew stops to see a dandelion and hesitates taking it’s picture, fearing he will damage it. It is at this moment Andrew hears a destructive boom in the distance. Andrew figures out that the noise came from the park. Once there, he sees a damaged pavilion which holds many memories for him and Cindy. After a flashback, Andrew also discovers teenaged kids are there. One has an accident with a branch that spirals into a bigger reveal and mystery all its’ own. What is Andrew chasing? Is there more to his work than meets the eye? Readers get some answers as an unveiling occurs that sets Andrew on a course to confront more than the ghosts of his pasts.

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Watters presents a deceptive concept with this debut. Andrew comes across as a saddened soul whose trying to find a fire that has been eliminated. Early in the book, its’ made clear that he hasn’t been the same since losing Cindy and readers get a closer look at this during a flashback scenario. This will surely play out as the story progresses, but even in a brief moment, it is one readers can connect with quickly. As Andrew begins his latest assignment, the mood stays very cold until the big reveal. The reaction to what is shown brings out something in Andrew that feels has been long forgotten. The final moment concludes this debut with a solid final moment until next issue.

Cabrol and Jackson keep the somber visuals to reflect Andrew’s feelings as the story moves along. The coloring utilizes dark tones except when something comes across as hopefully. These images are matched with brighter colors to spotlight the shift of emotions. There is an excellent two-page spread to show off the reveal and give readers much to break down about what Andrew is following. There are many elements mixed in this story and the art team brings them out for a solid first impression of the tale just starting.

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The Seasons Have Teeth #1

Creative by Dan Watters, Sebastián Cabrol, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The Seasons Have Teeth #1 ushers in a very unique story with deeper meaning as the times change. Watters, Cabrol and the team construct this narrative with solid writing and artwork. The groundwork has been laid for a deeply layered story so make sure to keep an eye out for this book on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of The Season Have Teeth #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the adventures of a truck driver’s unexpected detour into another world in the pages of a brand new series from Image Comics. PHANTOM ROAD #2 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands take readers along for the ride as they follow a pair of unexcepted allies trying to find their way home. Let’s take a closer look at how this story is moving forward, shall we?


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


Dom’s life turns upside down on a fateful route one night. Being a truck driver, Dom has seen his fair share of odd things on the highways but nothing could prepare him for what this haul was dealing with. After helping a couple after a fatal car crash, Dom tries helping Beverly aka Birdie with what’s happened. A mysterious object appears to have caused the accident. When Dom approaches it, a green flash ensues and the pair is transported away to a new world. Once they arrive there, faceless beings are coming for the object. Dom and Birdie fight their way out of the situation, protecting the object and trying to piece together what’s happened!

As this issue opens up, Dom and Birdie are traveling down the highway still processing what has happened. The conversation centers around what Birdie and her fiancée were doing on the road and where are they now. As they drive, they see more faceless figures standing around a familiar truck-stop. The pair pulls over and go to investigate. The area is vacant with mindless beings just standing around. As the pair goes inside, they don’t see anything. However, Birdie takes one look out the window and sees a frightening sight: it’s the world they know! As she runs outside, the vacant space returns…..

As they go back inside, Dom and Birdie are not prepared for what they find. There’s an enigmatic individual sitting in a booth. What answers does this person have for the pair? Can he explain where they are? Readers get some insight to what’s going on but as the story progresses, Dom and Birdie find themselves enwrapped into another situation that they can’t explain. The final image of this issue proves without a shadow of a doubt that the story has only just started to hit the gas!


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Lemire keeps readers on the edge with what is turning out to be one hell of a story. Lemire takes the two leads into uncharted territory and their banter definitely reflects that. Neither knows what to expect and there is trepidation in their words. Dom is trying to assess everything while Birdie is desperate in finding anything the resembles the way things were. The conversation between the pair and the figure at the diner gives some clarity onto what’s happening but still keeps the aura of wonder very vivid. The pacing moves at a swift rate but the final act throws a great curve into an already puzzling story. The closing moments bring up feeling of “what just happened” and readers won’t be able to help themselves but become further invested in what’s going on here.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

Walta crafts a gritty and dark tone throughout this issue. The scenes at the rest stop feel cold and distant. Bellaire on the coloring helps to amplify those scenes. Even when there’s chances of cracking the mystery, the tone never changes. The emotions shown from Dom and Birdie when they meet the stranger come across as one would expect in their situation. Fear, frustration and anxiety fill those panels. The final act sets things up for the shocking twists in the closing moments. It builds up the tension while keeping readers guessing to the surprise at the end. Excellent final parting image to send readers out with.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Lemire, Walta, and the team take readers further down the dark highway with an excellent second chapter. The world of Dom and Birdie is filled with shocking turns and a thrilling puzzle that has only begun to show its’ true form. This is a book you don’t want to miss on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the finale issue of the latest chapter involving the next big comic property now making its’ way to Netflix in the very near future. Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design is a series known for its’ fantastic storytelling and its’ current storyline has been building up the latest threat to Erica Slaughter to a dangerous level. Issue #30 brings an end to the current arc and all bets are off of how Erica Slaughter gets out of this situation alive.

Before we dive into this issue, some of the imagery for this blog may not be suitable for younger readers. Viewer discretion is advised. If all good after that, shall we get started?

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Tribulation, New Mexico has become the center of mystery and endangerment with the emergence of a monster known as “the Duplicate” running around. In one attack, the monster murdered an entire family leaving behind Gabi as a sole witness. Riqui, a local bartender, has now become the protector of Gabi but clearly isn’t ready to deal with such a threat. Luckily (pending how you look at it), Erica Slaughter has re-emerged from hiding to take down the creature. Erica’s presence hadn’t gone unnoticed as the Order Of St. George has sent the vicious Cutter to Tribulation to end Erica once and for all. Along the way, Cutter has left a bloody trail behind with her murder of Erica’s longtime ally Big Gary Slaughter as her sick crowning achievement.

Cutter continues to put the pressure on Erica as she’s now framed Erica for the murders of Tribulation police officers inside their own station (that Cutter killed personally), and is assisting The Duplicate by making it a clone of Erica! With the walls closing in (along with another surprise from the Order en route to Tribulation), Erica escapes the police station with Gabi and Riqui wounded but ready to fight back.

This issue opens up with the aftermath of Cutter’s rampage at the police station. Cutter returns to the scene of the crime, with only one officer knowing Erica’s side of events. Cutter tries playing off the sheriff’s doubts about Erica until she realizes Erica has made a bold move: taking Cutter’s precious doll from her bag! This sends Cutter into a rage in front of the officers. Meanwhile Erica, Riqui and Gabi head to Riqui’s bar “The Luck Of The Irish” to get some assets for the upcoming fight. Riqui catches wind of Erica’s plan to use Gabi as bait to draw out the monster and there is a tense exchange of words. Erica is unfazed by Riqui’s reaction and pushes the group forward.

The trio sets up camp at a ranch Riqui’s uncle watches over. During this time, Erica unveils the plan to stop the monster and unloads the story behind her and the Order. The fallout from this is impactful not only to Gabi and Riqui but to the reader as well. Are the pair ready to embrace the world of Erica Slaughter head on? Can they actually stop the monster and Cutter? Before there is time for answers, the final act kicks into gear throwing one definitive statement to the reader in closing: the one enemy they cannot defeat is time.

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BREAKDOWN: Wrapping up this arc, Tynion delivers a strong understanding of where things are heading to. The book is essentially broken down into three portions. Cutter’s story kicks things off with showing readers how she reacts to being on the defensive with the theft of her doll. Seeing the emotional breakdown finally gave Erica a much needed win. That play into the second section with Erica’s story with Gabi and Riqui. Since her arrival in Tribulation, Erica has played much close to the vest. Seeing that she is not ready for what she’s up against, the breakdown of plans is crucial in Erica re-building her confidence along with preparing her allies for the frightening places they look to be heading to next. The third portion re-affirms how things are progressing and challenges how/if Erica is ready for the challenges. Pacing works to cap off the current arc along with setting up the violent showdown forthcoming.

Dell’edera and Muerto ramp up the drama within these pages. Right from the start, they present Cutter as being in control until the doll is taken. The full page panel crafts how truly unhinged she is as Cutter looses control in front of the remaining officers about her doll. The trio’s story is presented with various emotional moments. From Riqui’s warning to Erica only to be countered by Erica’s stone faced numbness, the trio varies as the events begin taking their toll on them. The Ranch sequence of panels gives readers a look at how Erica is handling the events at hand. Her reaction to telling the pair about what they’re involved in evokes a solid reaction as to the weight of the situations at hand. The final act caps off how time is of the essence and is something not in Ercia’s favor. Solid final full page panel to close this issue & arc out with.

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: The latest chapter of Erica Slaughter’s adventure concludes with the looming sense of fear and doubt in the air. With a daunting task lying ahead, Erica is testes unlike she has ever been before. Tynion, Dell’edera, & Muerto bring forth the drama with exceptional art and writing, taking Erica into uncharted water with a sliver of hope to survive. Don’t miss this chapter on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Something is Killing The Children #30. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the final issue of the first arc of BOOM! Studios breakout supernatural series. Right before this issue’s release, it was announced by BOOM! that this series has been officially certified into ongoing status! This is a huge win for fans of the adventures of Ellie Hawthorne, who has bursted onto the shelves at the local comic shop with one hell of a story to tell. DAMN THEM ALL #6 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell looks to finally answer one of the biggest mysteries of the series thus far! Let’s not wait any longer and take a closer look at everything bringing a close to this initial debut tale.

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, if you’re still good to go, let’s begin!


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


In case you’re just learning about this series now, Ellie Hawthorne has been tasked with the mission her late uncle Alfie had: stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia and send them back to Hell by any means possible.

During this mission, Ellie has had a group of allies to help her quest, let by Dora, a former officer with a connection to Alfie. Having some back-up to fight some devilish foes never hurts, especially when they are like Theo Bolster and the 500 Club. Ellie defeated Theo in their initial face-to-face encounter via an impromptu exorcism. From there, Ellie and Co. have hit the ground running dealing with threats like Ninebob Barry and Theo’s personal devil: Glasya-Labolas in a fashion that’s all Ellie’s.

The biggest moment to date was at the end of last issue, where Ellie and Dora make contact with the spirit of Alfie Hawthorne and how he died. It has been one of the biggest mysteries of the season and gets answered in a manner that no one sees coming. Alfie wasn’t murdered as guessed. It appears at first glance, it was by suicide.

This issue picks up right in the middle of Alfie talking with Ellie and Dora. Alfie narrates how he was told he had only a year left and lived two. Alfie sought whatever and whoever he could to help his situation out. This meant mending fences with Theo and seeing what he could do to help. There wasn’t much as Alfie decided to end his life. Ellie sees some holes in Alfie’s story and begins to question it. Readers sit back and see Ellie rip into Alfie’s claims.

The resolution to this is one for the ages as Ellie demonstrates how much she has grown in the time of taking Alfie’s spot. It also shows that she has much left to do before her story ends. When another familiar face returns to hit Ellie on a personal level, readers will need to prepare for the worst. This causes a series of events to domino until there are a few characters in the final act walking out unscathed.

The first arc wraps up with a few surprises to end things on a high note. The Ars Goetia will still be a threat going into the next arc, but moves are being done on both sides cementing that this series has a lot more to finish. Excellent final act to tie everything together and set the stage for the next arc to come.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Spurrier delivers on a solid reveal of the mystery of Alfie Hawthorne. It is one that most readers never saw coming but follows the blueprint set up with issue #1. Ellie Hawthorne comes across as every bit as stubborn and jaded as her uncle was. Their dynamic pays off huge as Alfie’s death has been a huge puzzle that had many levels to it. The fallout from the reveal carries into another emotional sequence involving a returning character that Ellie has had an awkward dealing with. The payoff from all of these moments hits readers with a simple panel showing the toll this has all taken on Ellie. Spurrier captures this moment perfectly and gives readers a small glimpse at the true Ellie. The pacing allows each major character to get their time in before saying good-bye for now. All that remains is building anticipation to the next chapter with a final panel that raises a few thoughts.

Adlard doesn’t miss in the delivery of the Ellie/Alfie confrontation. Very solid technique in keeping Alfie’s face in the shadows where readers never see his eyes. Ellie’s reactions featured her range of feelings that have been building since his passing. The imagery used in these moments convey a direct implication at how the usually unemotional lead character lets her guard down. This gets highlighted even more when Ellie’s next conflict transpires with a major surprise twist. The images never hold back from being brutal and bold. Adlard builds upon the writing capping everything with a final panel that is sure to have fans talking.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The saga of Ellie Hawthorne has only just begun but has given readers enough memorable moments, one would think it’s been around for years instead of only six issues. This is all due to the fantastic work of Spurrier, Adlard and the team creating a supernatural experience unlike anything else at the local comic shops out now. Damn Them All might be done for now, but like any great story, it’s not getting banished away fro long. Till then, don’t miss picking up this and any previous issue on New Comic Book Day and see what all they hype is about!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re heading back to the afterlife with one of the biggest indie comics on the market today. The second story arc featuring Boom! Studios’ fan-favorite reaper continues to capture fans attention with more surprises and secrets looming on the horizon. Grim #9 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano jumps right into last issue’s cliffhanger ending and welcome readers to a new threat entering the fray. Let’s not wait another minute and jump right in to the latest chapter, shall we?


Living in Las Vegas should be an amazing time. Sadly, this is not the case for Jessica Harrow, a former reaper of the afterlife. After a routine soul guide mission goes wrong, Jessica finds herself crossing over into the land of the living and becoming the center of a bigger mystery that anyone realizes. This action leads Jessica and her friends Eddie and Marcel into a downward spiral pitting them in the line of fire of her aunt, Adira, who has her own reasons to keep Jessica away from finding the truth. Ultimately, Adira banishes Jessica and her friends into the land of the living in the aftermath of a battle between The End and Death himself (Jessica’s father).

Getting used to her new surroundings, Jessica tries enjoying a music festival but when people no longer can die and have a unique red marking on their foreheads, all signs point to Jessica being responsible. With Adira making moves to deal with Jessica, shes approached by the Sisters of Fate who have their own plan to fix things, none of which Jessica is on board with. When Jessica emerges from her meeting, she sees Marcel on his knees with a man and his ghost-esque giant Tiger behind him. Throw in the story of Jessica’s mother breaking of jail to find her daughter now and it’s a safe guess to whatever happens in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas.

This issue opens up with Lilah, Jessica’s mother visiting a grave-site in Arizona. While there, she sees a hand emerge from the ground. Readers see that there is a possible connection to a red necklace she’s wearing, with a sense that it may have some powers radiating from it. The story then switches to Vegas where the city is filled with chaos and destruction. It is also noteworthy that the events here take place BEFORE the ending of issue #8. Eddie and Marcel are looking for Jessica when Annabel, a reaper approaches them. She questions the pair about Jessica’s involvement in Death’s demise and breaks down Adira’s plan to trap Jessica in Hell for eternity.

The pair are guided by Annabel into the first of eight gateways into Hell and encounter the being at the end of issue #8, with his giant tiger! Who is this mysterious figure? Why does he have a vested interest in Marcel? Readers don’t wait long to find out the secrets of Marcel and lead right into the ending of issue #8. Once Jessica arrives to meet them, the story of Marcel plays out. What won’t be expected is the ending point of this story. An action takes place that will impact Jessica moving forward while shaking things up before heading to this issue’s epilogue.

Phillips takes a small break from focusing on Jessica to showcase some of the other role players involved in this story. It’s an excellent way to see how dangerous of a foe the man with the tiger appears to be using Marcel’s story in such a unique fashion. Phillips also uses a creative method with the time jumps to not only establish Eddie and Marcel’s story but add an additional layer to last issue, giving readers a sense of how long she was gone with the Sisters of Fate. Pacing was great with structuring the stories of Lilah and Marcel with enough time to expand both with. Considering how many characters are featured, nothing felt lost in the shuffle and their stories never felt forced or out of place.

Flaviano’s depiction of a rioting Vegas immediately pops off the panels. The visuals play into the overall story of the second arc while not making it the center of attention. The introduction of the man and his tiger stands out as well, especially with the use of the coloring by Renzi. This shines with a panel having that person pop in and out of the shadows tormenting Marcel. The imagery is brooding and tragic and compliments the haunting writing. Flaviano gives readers an impactful punch in the feelings bringing the sad tale to the forefront. There is a great two page spread that perfectly sets up a full page visual to end that portion of the story. Lilah’s story also stands out being a change of pace to Jessica’s and adding more to her mysterious tale.

FINAL POINT: Grim #9 moves forward by showing readers how dangerous Jessica Harrow’s next obstacle is going to be thru the eyes of one of her friends. Excellent writing and artwork from Phillips, Flaviano and the team keeps the intrigue rising as new elements are mixed in with the overall themes lingering over the latest arc. It continues to be required reading on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #9. Thanks for reading!

Grim #9

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

All images Credit: Boom! Studios


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the latest installment of the spin-off series from BOOM! Studios’ hugely successful comic: Something is Killing The Children. HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #13 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) continues onward the story of Jace Boucher aka The Butcher. With more eyes swinging over to the SIKTC franchise due to the Netflix adaptation announcement, this series is heating up at the right time. Let’s take a deeper dive about the latest chapter, shall we?

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios


House of Slaughter is an anthology series, having self-contained stories involving characters set in the SIKTC Universe. In this recent arc, Jace Boucher’s life post monster hunting hasn’t gone exactly the way he envisioned. As seen in the first HoS arc, Jace’s doomed love with Aaron Slaughter still weighs heavy on him (even without knowing Aaron’s fate). Jace has assumed the role of protector for orphans and is laying low off the radar, hoping to escape his past. This proves to be a lost cause Sunny, one of the orphans, wants to follow in the hunter footsteps of Jace. When he’s told not to, Sunny becomes rebellious and leaves the camp set up for Jace and the orphans. When a monster comes across Sunny, he is rescues by a person with history with Jace: Jolie Boucher.

During the rescue, Jolie is trying to sell Sunny the dream of being a hunter. Jolie mentions that the monster they encountered has more baby creatures lying around and she takes Sunny under her wing and brings him along for a hunt with her house. Sunny becomes mesmerized by what he sees and is invited for dinner at her mansion home, “The Butcher Shop”. All the while, Jace is tying to track Sunny down while dealing with some unsettling visions and dreams. Once he sees Sunny leave with Jolie, Jace realizes the stakes have become even higher.

This issue kicks off with a flashback sequence as Jace prepares to return to New Orleans in search of Jolie and Sunny. The moment switches to when Sunny walks into the mansion (due to Jolie manipulating the young boy). Once inside, Sunny sees some of the house residents such as Rene and Vionette Boucher. SIKTC readers will recognize a certain hunter roaming the halls as well Maxine Slaughter! The last time readers had seen Maxine, she was making a big move in the pages of the “Book Of Slaughter” one-shot, which is a great reference point for new readers to the SIKTC world. With Sunny invested in meeting the people of the house, Jolie convinces him that she will take him back to Jace’s camp in the morning.

Meanwhile, Jace is making his way through New Orleans when he has a flashback to a childhood moment with Jolie. This has been an ongoing plot point since the story arc began. This recent memory is interrupted by a raven, which Jace recognizes and quickly runs toward. The bird leads him to a mysterious character named Maven, who warns Jace of what’s ahead. Will the warning be enough? Is Jace ready for what he is about to encounter? Readers will get some clarity with those questions but will have to brace for what is in store for Sunny living in a house full of hunters with a strong final act in this issue to conclude this issue on.

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Brombal keeps readers guessing as to what Jolie’s overall plan is for Sunny. Considering their history, it makes perfect sense to hurt Jace by stealing away one of his children and having them join the life he has been so desperate to escape. The influence of giving the young boy his dream is easy for Jolie to use to her advantage. Jace knows this and risks everything to try stopping it. Seeing Maven and their conversation adds more drama to the upcoming moves. It’s low-key but readers can sense the doubt in Jace’s voice heading into the inevitable confrontation. Pacing worked well in giving enough time to set up the stage for the final act. The flashback/dream sequences were used less than the previous issues but this method helped keeping things moving without taking away from Jolie and Sunny’s spotlight. The final moments will be interesting to see the fallout next issue, but left a satisfying conclusion for this chapter.

Fuso focused on displaying “The Butcher Shop” as a warm and friendly place while hiding most of its secrets. This plays well int Jolie’s schemes as her subtle smirks conceal what she has in store for Sunny. Seeing the interactions with the other residents especially with the cameo from Maxine helps break up some tension before shifting back to Jolie and Jace. Jace’s flashbacks and ultimate interruption set things up nicely for his portion of the issue. Excellent full page panel to cap off the Maven sequence. The final act moved fast with Sunny but illustrated the situation he’s in and what lies ahead. It concluded the scheming of Jolie, giving fans much to be excited to see where the story goes next issue.

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House Of Slaughter #13 sets Jolie’s plans into full motion while keeping the Butcher on the defense with time slipping away. Brombal, Fuso and the team progress the slow burn drama with solid art and writing to please fans waiting to see how this story moves onward.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #13. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new debut on the Comixology Originals line that flips the traditional ghost story blueprint into a whole different direction. What happens when someone can not only see ghosts BUT fight them back? Grammaton Punch #1 by Miles Gunter (NYC Mech, Terminator, BPRD), Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire introduces readers to Van Nguyen and his unique ability. Get settled in as we’re about to take a closer look at where one boy’s fight against the paranormal goes in this introductory issue. Let’s begin, shall we?

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals


The issue opens up with Van Nguyen narrating his backstory. Readers witness a solar eclipse which Van states being born during isn’t all that great. As Van is in his mother (a power lifter) ’s stroller, a one-eyed ghost appears and makes a connection with him. Van tells the audience that being an “eclipse baby”, he can now see ghosts and vice versa. Van became a power source for the ghost as it ate off his life energy for five years.

During that time, Van was in and out of the hospital, left very weakened from the feedings. Doctors ran many tests but the only result that they could find was an anomaly with Van’s eyes. The ghost’s attacks also turned Van’s hair white. Being only Five years old, Van looked as he was going to be facing this problem for the rest of his life. Everything changed when Van unlocked a key factor involving the ghost: If it could physically touch him, Van could physically fight it back!

At this moment, Readers see him defend himself for the first time. Van hits the ghost with a right hand that Mike Tyson would be proud of. With the ghost seemingly gone, Van finally began had a chance at a healthy life and with prescription sunglasses hiding his gifts. It seemed short lived as “Eye Face” returned, but Van was ready and disposed of his foe again…and again…and again. Each time, “Eye face” took longer to return but Van was waiting and stronger than the last encounter.

Things seemed to becoming normal as Van accompanies his mother to a power-lift competition, until something happens that changes everything. What went down at the lift? Is Van ready to face what lies ahead? Readers bare witness to a growing child’s dilemma of trying to live a “normal” life with unique gifts. Things move pretty fast with some more obstacles piling up before the final image throws a big question mark on the debut issue heading into the next chapter.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Gunter sets up the foundation for a very imaginative story. Van’s saga catches readers off the start with presenting the toll “eye Face” is taking on him and his mother. The pacing builds to such a point that readers can feel the moment when he first punches “Eye Face” out of town. It’s an enjoyable section that takes the story into a new direction. Van is a whimsical lead that grows up fast with the challenges thrown his way. The latter half of the issue demonstrates how Van’s journey isn’t so cut and dry. Van’s impulsiveness makes complete sense considering his age at this placement in story. Heading into the concluding moments, Gunter does a great surprise setting the stage for the next installment.

Andan brings a high energy to the panels artwork. There is a My Hero Academia-esque feel to when Van starts fighting back. Those panels convey the changing of story tempo. No page illustrates that more than when Van realizes he can hit “Eye Face” back. Speaking of “Eye Face”, Andan envisions the ghost as a true imposing figure, especially one that is tormenting a five-year old. It’s counter balanced when Van grows confidence in battling back. The issue never feels like there is a lull in-between panels. Van’s world is one to easily hit with readers a the series moves onward.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: “With Great Power, One must have a Great Punch!” Gunter, Andan and the team establish a young hero with solid storytelling and electric imagery. Grammaton Punch #1 will be a hit with readers looking for something that stands on its own with many themes mixed in the overall narrative. Make sure to keep an eye out for this series on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Grammaton Punch #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, an Eisner nominated creative team reunite for Image Comics with a brand new series that will have fans talking on New Comic Book Day! PHANTOM ROAD #1 by Jeff Lemire and Gabriel H. Walta, the team behind Sentient, link up with Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands hits the open road with a driver who’s life spins out of control after helping someone on the side of a highway. Let’s take a closer look at this debut issue, shall we?


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


The story begins with a driver named Dom screaming at someone in his tractor-trailer to let him in, fearing for his life! With the door locked, Dom looks right at the reader with sheer terror in his eyes.

From here, the story shifts gears to an earlier time where Dom is driving down the highway at night. Things seem to be a routine drive. Dome pulls in to a rest stop diner for a quick meal and coffee. Dom sparks a conversation with the waitress about how he’s almost at his destination of North Dakota and they both close with “We’ll get there.”

Hitting the road again, Dom starts flashing back to his childhood and a rough moment between his parents fighting. His mother is angry at what his dad (a truck driver as well…like Father, like Son) has been doing while driving and neglecting his son. The dad counters with questions about the mother before leaving for a new job, promising Dom a new toy when he comes home.

When Dom focuses back on the road, he swerves out of the way of a car accident. With a body lying in the road, he finds Birdie sitting against the car with an object that caused Birdie to swerve in the road. With Birdie talking frantically, Dom goes to see the object. When he touches it, a green flash happens and they’re now in daylight with a mysterious figure in the distance.

Who is this figure? What was the object and what effect does it have Dom and Birdie? Are the pair even where they think they are? Things escalate quickly as the pair is thrown into a situation neither is ready for. The final panel will have readers waiting to see what happens next for the pair as their story has just begun.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Lemire lays the foundation of a very engaging story. From the offset, Dom’s life is very routine in the sense of his job. The flashback moment with his parents is significant as it gives readers a glimpse of how Dom became set on this profession much like his father. Whether there is a connection to recent events or not remains to be seen as the story just shifted locations. The dynamic with Birdie was a strong point of the issue as well. Both are now connected and need each other to survive. The mystery of the artifact set the tempo for the final act with a great horror element before closing this chapter out.

Walta and Bellaire do a superb job bringing the (literal) day and night difference in Dom’s life to readers throughout these pages. The beginning of the issue is very relatable to readers and hits the emotional points when dealing with the family flashback. The panels where Dom sees himself and his dad at separate times while driving also jumps out. Great use of colors (Red lighting for the accident, Green for the crossover) to seq-way the story’s changes. Strong build throughout the final portion to capture the horror energy before closing with the near full page final panel.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Phantom Road #1 wastes no time delivering a mesmerizing tale combining the worlds of fantasy horror and realistic drama to give readers an excellent must-read addition to their comic collection. Lemire, Walta, and the team have something special in the making here, so jump on-board now and see what everyone’s gonna be talking about at the local comic shops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are near the end of the first arc of one of BOOM! Studios’ most imaginative series. DAMN THEM ALL #5 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell takes readers to the penultimate closing of its’ initial debut with an issue that will have fans talking.

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, let’s jump into the latest chapter and see where Ellie and company take readers now, shall we?


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Ellie Hawthorne has now been challenged to step in and stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia in replacement for her Uncle Alfie, who died mysteriously. Her purpose is very easy: send all of the 72 devils back to Hell. With help from Dora, an officer with a complicated past with her uncle Alfie, and some more “allies”, Ellie sets out to complete the mission or die trying. Last we saw Ellie and co, they were dealing with Theo Bolster and the 500 Club. After an impromptu exorcism, Theo seems defeated but is far from it. Ellie is back on her mission and wastes no time hitting the ground running.

This issue opens up with Ellie, Dora and Frankie Wax (Ellie’s “boss”) raid the home of Ninebob Barry and his devil Vine. The scenes are intense and waste no time in setting a frightening tone. Ellie makes her way into Barry’s room and finds him waiting with an old friend sent by Theo: Glasya-Labolas, a demon who’s already impacted Ellie and her circle of associates. The resolution to this conflict is one that readers won’t see coming! Its’ repercussions send Ellie on a wild path that ultimately ends up with an ending that will stun faithful fans of this series!


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Heading into the arc finale, Spurrier wastes no panels in bringing some closure to Ellie while opening up a whole new chapter. The story with Ninebob Barry is one that plays into Ellie’s strengths. Never at any point is Ellie defined as a “hero” or plays everything in heroic fashion. This portion of the issue Spurrier brings out the full grey complexity of the character to a solid resolution. Things move fairly quickly here but once that final moment hits, it is a perfect mic drop moment that readers are not ready for.

Adlard doesn’t shy away from the intense imagery with this chapter. The fighting is brutal and bloody. The conclusion of the Ninebob Barry tale holds nothing back. Dealing with the supernatural, the demons look menacing and work to play off of Ellie’s brashness. Even with Ellie’s interactions with Frankie Wax and Carlin, her more “normal” moments and reactions connect as someone who isn’t good or evil, they just are who they are. That said, no other image will get as much buzz as the final one for this issue. Brace for it.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Damn Them All makes a run towards its’ initial conclusion tying up some hanging threads before giving readers a jaw-dropping moment to ponder till next issue. Spurrier, Adlard and the team bring that winning energy in their writing and art that has made this series such a fantastic read since it’s beginning. Don’t miss this on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of one of BOOM! Studios best series. SPECS by David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions since its debut issue. The throwback horror tale has been must-read material building towards a big finale. Specs #4 is hitting comic shops this week (Feb.22nd). How does it fare? Let’s take a closer look and find out, shall we?


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Kenny and Ted are two teens growing up in the small town of Summerton in the 1980’s. The awkward friends are trying to survive the high-school social landscape but neither are expecting their lives to be transformed by a mysterious pair of glasses. That’s exactly what happens after they discover some old comics and an ad for “magic specs”. The following day, a pair of specs shows up at Kenny’s doorstep mysteriously. The friends start making “wishes” that come true but fate deals them a bad hand as a wish to stop Bernard Slyman aka Skunk from fighting them causes his disappearance.

It was at this moment their luck ran out. Ted was framed for Skunk’s disappearance/murder and Kenny’s quest to find out the secret behind the glasses was more than he bargained for. The glasses are a part of a vicious cycle that preys on desperate people, leaving nothing good in its’ wake. Now in a race against time and the law, the boys look to destroy the glasses and hopefully fix things.

The finale kicks off with Kenny and Ted hiding in the woods after escaping the police station. They’re trying everything that they can to break the glasses. With no luck in breaking the specs, Detective Kingsley from the Summerton Police arrives to where the boys are. In a heart-wrenching move, Ted tells Kenny to take everything and run, then turns himself over to Kingsley.

The next day, Ted’s preliminary hearing was set. It’s resolution is a surprise but one without a happy ending as readers witness the fallout. However, one lingering plot point that gets resolved before closing the story out on a very pleasing epilogue.


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Breakdown: Booher closes the series out with a very pleasing ending. The series has focused on the bond between Kenny and Ted and remained the driving force during the finale. Seeing what Ted was willing to do for his best friend in sacrificing himself to answer for the charges is a huge moment. Seeing Kenny’s guilt pour out on the page only made the ending that much more impactful. The specs were a secondary character that didn’t get nor need a ton of panel time to make its mark, especially here. Booher throws the question of “Is a wish really worth it if is’ not real” right at the audience and gives them a perfect answer in the final act. This story has been an excellent read and fingers crossed it gets made into a streaming series/movie.

Shehan brings to life the moving reactions to all the events unfolding. Kenny’s reactions to everything Ted does for him leading to the eventual arrest showcased how their friendship was so important to both. This is magnified tenfold during the final act (which is fantastic storytelling right down to the full page panel moonlight walk-off image that needs to be seen & read without spoilers). The closing moments were a strong finish with an even more peculiar ending shot.


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Specs by Booher, Shehan, Stevens and Campbell has been a captivating saga along two best friends whose friendship and bond are challenged with the ability to change their lives, but not without consequences. The series has been the definition of incredible storytelling and art since the start. The finale has no disappointment (other than the series is over). Highest Possible Recommendation this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Specs #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, There is no escape from the danger engulfing Erica Slaughter in the hit series from BOOM! STUDIOS. Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design is one on of the most consistent quality reads on New Comic Book Day. The latest story has pushed Erica into dangerous territory with a true rival hellbent on taking her down. What started as a simple case has spiraled out of control. After last issue, the anticipation has been HUGE for this chapter.

Before we dive into this issue, some of the imagery for this blog may not be suitable for younger readers. Viewer discretion is advised. If all good after that, shall we get started?

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design



An evil creature known as “the Duplicate” is on the loose in Tribulation, New Mexico. Gabi is a teenager who watched her family be slaughtered by this monster. Riqui, a local bartender who is her “guardian” now is trying to keep her safe. Erica Slaughter has come to town after staying off the grid to help. However, the Order of St. George isn’t ready to let Erica be a loose end running away from them. They have acquired the services of Cutter to take her out. In a blink of an eye, Cutter has repeatedly attacked Erica on various levels, to the point of killing her longtime ally, Big Gary Slaughter. Cutter has also just arrived to Tribulation and immediately framed Erica for the murder of Tribulation police officers while assisting the Duplicate into turning into a clone of Erica! Now a wounded target inside the police station, Erica’s world is about to become more dangerous.

This issue opens up with am officer making a coffee run before walking into a horrific scene of dead fellow officers. Erica emerges and disarms the officer, telling him Cutter is behind this and she is leaving. Erica frees Gabi and Riqui from their barricaded room. Before they leave, Erica takes an object left behind by Cutter that might hold some information about stopping her. From here, the story switches gears to the Order of St. George where there is a funeral and burial service for Big Gary. Many notable characters from the SIKTC lore stand and pay respect. One troubled by the actions of Cutter’s killing of Gary is Cecilia, who talks with the Dragon, the head of the order, about Cutter’s services. What transpires with their talk gives a unique insight to the dragon’s methods. What exactly is his endgame involving Cutter and Erica? What depths is he willing to go in the name of the Order? Readers don’t wait too long to see the fallout of this chat might be bigger than most realize to close this issue out.

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


BREAKDOWN: One of the biggest elements of SIKTC is Tynion’s ability to play the long game (aka Slow Burn) better than anyone. Erica’s time in the book is very brief but does enough to move her story along. Readers also see Erica trying to regain her calm after being on the defensive side of Cutter’s attack. It was a noteworthy nod to feature Gary since he was killed four issues previously to show how its’ impacting the characters of the Order. The conversation between the Dragon and Cecilia illustrates how dangerous Cutter is without showing her at all during this issue. To see the reaction of someone as high up in the Order as Cecilia questioning if bringing Cutter in was a right choice is very telling. The fallout of this talk seems like this could be the match to light a bigger fire for the story moving forward after this arc.

Dell’edera holds nothing back from readers in showing Cutter’s trail of bodies from the police station. The imagery speaks volumes and seeing “Officer Bill” walk in to the carnage was frightening. Like previously stated, the issue gave a majority spotlight to the talk between the Dragon and Cecilia and Dell’edera explained this talk by using the character’s eyes and demeanor to tip readers off on the feelings of doubt and anger involving Cutter. Even without his signature mask on, The Dragon conveyed a great deal through his body language. This reflected his reference of emotion in the talk. The final scene will rise some questions in how the talk fallout will play a role but it made a solid statement to close on.

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


FINAL POINT: Tynion, Dell’edera and the team take a pause from the latest challenge of Erica Slaughter to pay respect to a fallen member of the Order of St. George. The slow burn method of solid writing and art wins again for an issue you won’t want to miss on New Comic Book Day this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of SIKTC #29. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest entry from the fantastic series of comics on Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press! CANARY by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis has been one of the lead books in phase two (along with Barnstormers & Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine) with bringing the horror-western adventure of Marshall Holt’s last ride to readers with much acclaim and excitement. Canary #5 sets up events for the finale next issue but there is much to break down within the latest installment. Let’s take a closer look to see where we are heading for the frightening conclusion, shall we?


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


A disturbing murder in Utah in 1891 has brought legendary lawman Marshall Holt into its’ investigation before he retires. When the case starts revealing itself, all roads lead Holt back to the town of one of his most chilling investigations: Canary. On that assignment, Holt was introduced to Hyrum Tell, a psychopath who’s heinous activities have scared the bravest of lawmen. The flashback sequences for Tell’s actions speaks LOUD volumes for what kind of evil is inside him.

Upon his return to Canary, Holt crosses paths with Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio set out investigate a cave that has a sinister history that may hold the key to solving the case. With the use of Edward’s Sonotron, the trio investigate the cave’s water levels. When the results are voices saying “WE’RE STILL DOWN HERE!!!”, Holt and company are not prepared for what’s next.

The trio continue to look for clues at an abandoned house for “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory becomes a theme as they search the house with discovering a picture of Hyrum Tell connecting to the group. Before they can process what they’ve found, someone has trapped them inside the house and lit it on fire! Meanwhile, Mayor Gem pulls out one of the though dead miners from the cave using Edward’s Sonotron’s. What appeared to be a miracle turns into a nightmare quickly as the minor transforms into a horrific creature!

This issue opens up with a flashback to Holt returning home from the initial Tell encounter and gives some insight on this character but it’s quickly interrupted with the escape from the burning house! Once everyone leaves the house, the smoke from Canary fills the skies and the danger is in the streets. Tommy, the transformed miner is wreaking havoc slashing his sister Nellie and fighting off the town’s people. Holt makes the save but readers witness first hand it might not be enough as he’s attacked by Tommy. When that moment is resolved, Holt wakes to see he’s now in a race against time to stop this evil with more unforeseen factors in play. Can Holt stop what is coming before it’s too late? How does the flashback scenes tie into this? Readers see the beginning of the end as Holt makes his moves setting the pieces in place to bring this story to a heart-stopping finish.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

BREAKDOWN: Snyder does a masterful job at bringing this mystery to a boiling point. Once Holt returns from the burning house, his will is challenged by a threat he is nowhere near ready for. The reaction Holt has when Tommy “speaks” to him is terrifying and shows how rattled Holt is knowing what is coming next. Being put on the pedestal of a hero from the first encounter has now been taken away as he is struggling to stop what’s unfolding. Seeing the interaction with the new players is a perfectly placed moment to drive home that Holt is in over his head with very little signs of hope to win. Even when Holt tries giving a rallying speech, it feels flat due to his character being broken down by what has happened. Readers can’ help but see how Holt refuses to quit and get fully invested into his final attempt to thwart this situation. The flashback sequences are mixed in well to give an added layer of fear and uncertainty to connect it with this issue’s conclusion. This is excellent storytelling and dialogue at its best.

The way Holt reacts with his eyes to what is happening is crafted so well by Panosian. Tommy in his new form showcased what danger Holt and the town are facing and held nothing back presenting the terror. Since he wears his bandana during the encounter with Tommy, the only way to “see” his reaction is through his eyes and how he’s shattered by what’s unraveling around him. Even the panel showcasing him talking with Mabel about how they’re going to win doesn’t feel true as his facial expression shows nothing but defeat. Panosian’s attention to this area is incredible. The flashbacks are excellent telling readers on how traumatizing the initial run-in with Tell. It elevated the final moment even more as both parts will be reflecting each other in the closing chapter.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Final Point: Snyder and Panosian bring sheer terror to Marshall Holt and readers with this penultimate issue. The chilling dialogue is paired with equally disturbing imagery to create the sense of doubt in the fabled lawman of this era. The whole series has been a must-read and this issue is no exception. Make sure to check this out on Comixology when it drops (and grab a physical copy when it hits the LCS after its conclusion). This is a book you can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Canary #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re returning to the spin-off series of one of comics’ best books: Something Is Killing The Children by BOOM! Studios! HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) has just kicked off its’ third arc with a popular character talking the lead: Jace Boucher aka The Butcher. Let’s take a deeper look at how this story is unfolding, shall we?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


If you’re new to this series, House of Slaughter is an anthology style series showcasing members of the SIKTC universe. The first arc featured Aaron Slaughter and Jace Boucher, showing their tragic love story & Jace’s fallout with the Order of St. George. That story is currently out in Trade Paperback and is well worth the purchase. This arc spotlights Jace’s return as he has left the hunting life and has become a protector of young orphans, waiting for Aaron to return. Sadly, he does know Aaron’s fate when he returned to the Order and how that day will never come.

Last issue saw Jace trying to protect a young boy named Sunny from getting into trouble trying to emulate the hunter lifestyle. Sunny’s curiosity almost gets him killed as he strays away and encounters a monster head on. Luckily, he’s saved by an old friend of Jace’s who readers saw in a flashback scene: Jolie and her group of hunters.

This issue jumps in with Sunny waking up in a car, recovering from the monster encounter. In the passenger seat is Jolie Boucher, as she introduces herself. Sunny panics and wants to go home, but Jolie calms him down to address his bleeding wounds. As Sunny asks more questions, Jolie informs him that there are more monsters spawned from the one they killed and they’re going after them and Sunny can tag along and watch.

Meanwhile, Jace is leading the young orphans on a search for Sunny. Along the way, Jace is having more flashbacks as the forest area they are walking through is very familiar to both Jace and Jolie. What visions does Jace see now? What happens when Jolie and her family make their way through the woods? Readers get more answers to the mysterious hunter and see first had that there’s more to her than it seems. The mystery deeps with a final page that will have fans talking with anticipation for the next issue.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Brombal puts the spotlight on Jolie this issue and allows readers to gain some insight to her plans. Jolie comes off as friendly to Sunny as she has a relatable story growing up. This feels as a bait and switch is coming with events later in the book, but that moment will be bigger due to the great build. Seeing Sunny mesmerized by the hunter lifestyle with Jolie is a noteworthy point as well. Sunny’s role in this story feels as it will become more pivotal with the latter events of this book. This chapter was solid storybuilding with Jace’s moments being smaller but impactful never the less.

Fuso does a very cool visual with panel breaks later in the issue. Fuso uses tree branches to break up the images instead of the traditional boxes. The monster moments later in this issue also jump out as readers seem Sunny’s reaction to the moment he’s in and it carries an eerie feel. Jace’s nightmare flashback sequence will jump out to readers as well. Nothing is held back and plays up the horror element of the series. Great final panel to close this book out on.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House of Slaughter #12 gives readers an insight on the latest challenge to the “Butcher” while slow-burning the danger coming. Brombal, Fuso and the team continue to build on the foundation of their story with solid art and writing. The story has just begun and there’s no time to wait to jump on-board to see where it goes. Make sure to check this out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on House Of Slaughter #12. Thanks for reading!