Magma Comix

The Principles of Necromancy #2 (MAGMA COMIX)

Hey everyone! This is Matt from Hops Geek News and I’ve got a new comic book review for you to check out:

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle.

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle. - Magma Comix

Eloise is a girl thirsty to learn as her mother lie dying from a mysterious tumor deep within her. Until Doctor Jakob Eyes appears on a house call to mysteriously cure her of all diseases. Eager to learn from the man himself, Eloise follows the haunting doctor to his house. Does Doctor Eyes take apprentices, and is Eloise prepared to view the grotesque lessons that await?

The Art:

Have you ever witnessed something so intriguing yet so vomit-inducing that you are unsure if you are to look away or watch in awe? That is the best way to sum up the pages within the confines of this glorious book of horrors. So many pages leave us looking at every inch of the panels, taking in the brains, skulls, and viles that all present themselves to us and Doctor Eyes. Eamon and Jay have done such a wonderful job creating Jakob, from the mask that he wears to the hollow, dark, void-of-life eyes with which he stares at Eloise.

The panels have a dull and grey back drop yet the characters and everything in the foreground burst with color which speaks to just how fascinating this story really is. The panel looking into the house from above as though it was taken from The Sims is perhaps one of the best in the issue. I cannot get enough.

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle. - Magma Comix

The Writing:

The Hivemind continues to weave a mysterious tale. In this issue, Jakob gets some personality and showcases his sharp wit and zero tolerance for foolery. Eloise is one of the readers who have become enthralled by this book as we, too, want to know how he does it. Meanwhile, Shawn Lee stands out in the tone of the lettering. You feel the softness of Eloise and Jakob's voice and the thundering roar when needed.


This comic continues to solidify Magma Comix as a serious player in the world of comics. It's a slow-burning, horrifying mystery that plays to all of our senses. When you finish the issue, we are left begging for the next, as we need it immediately.



Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, we’re checking out a brand new story on an imprint you need to know about! Magma Comix is a new imprint featuring some creative heavyweights. The Principles of Necromancy features the Hivemind (Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly), EAMON WINKLE and SHAWN LEE. Silicon Bandits is from JASON STARR and DALIBOR TALAJIĆ, STJEPAN BARTOLIĆ and SHAWN LEE.

Now joining their ranks is a story that is sure to make some waves on New Comic Book Day.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando (Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver), Megan Huang (Star Wars) and Shawn Lee constructs a fantasy tale with a grounded feel.

Let’s take a closer look at how this debut fares.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando, Megan Huang and Shawn Lee (Magma Comix)


The saga begins with a news report talking about Dragons. On the report, Blaire Monroe is an activist supporting the Dragon Conversation Agency. Monroe explains how Dragons are priceless. She also mentions how they’re in danger on the Black Market. it is also referred to as The Scale Trade.

Meanwhile, a pair of gentlemen are talking in a diner. It feels as an interview between DCA officials. On one side, it’s Agent Tritos. On the other is Agent Neil Cutter. Cutter seems as the grizzled veteran who’s schooling the young agent on ways of business.

Readers see a quick flashback of Tritos’ first encounter with a Dragon. It leads to the pairs’ first investigation. What starts as a routine check spirals into much more.

Things escalate very quickly as the pair furthers their investigation. What do they find? The pace picks up as the agents go to work. The fallout plants seeds for what lies ahead. A closing image will lead readers into the next chapter with many questions as to what is next to come.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando, Megan Huang and Shawn Lee (Magma Comix)

Orlando sets up an intriguing prospect with this story. The agents conflicting personalities is sure to lead to much more drama. Their banter reflects an uneasiness with the climate at hand.

Agent Cutter comes across with cards held close to the chest. It even appears at times, he is baiting Tritos into something more sinister. The pacing grows faster once their case begins. The final act flows very rapidly to the conclusion. With its’ closing segment, Orlando brings an end for now but gives readers a few ideas to ponder till next time.

Huang presents the importance of the dragons right form the beginning. The two page spread for the dragons flying gives a sense of importance to these creatures. It helps amplify Monroe’s pleas to protect them. The panels with the agents vary in emotions from focused to reactionary panic. As their case comes to light, the images reflect the fast moving action. Once the ending begins, it leads to a solid parting image mirroring a calm before a bigger storm on the horizon.


Combining crime elements with fantasy creatures, “The Scale Trade” delivers an interesting concept. With Orlando’s writing guiding reluctant partners, Huang’s art conveys the deeper mystery unfolding for the readers. It’s a solid debut issue that should lead to more excitement as events unfold.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Scale Trade #1. Thanks for reading!